C Program to Add and Subtract two complex numbers using Structure


typedef struct complex
  int real;
  int imaginary;

void Get_values(comp *s1,comp *s2);

void Calculate(comp *s1,comp *s2,comp *s3);
int main()
       comp s1,s2,s3;

       return 0;

void Get_values(comp *s1,comp *s2)
        printf("Enter the complex numbers of structure variable 1:\n");

	printf("complex number of s1: (%d)+(%d)i\n",s1->real,s1->imaginary);
	printf("Enter the complex numbers of structure variable 2:\n");

	printf("complex number of s2: (%d)+(%d)i\n",s2->real,s2->imaginary);

void Calculate(comp *s1,comp *s2,comp *s3)

        s3->real=s1->real + s2->real;
        s3->imaginary=s1->imaginary + s2->imaginary;
        printf("Addition of two complex numbers is (%d)+(%d)i\n",s3->real,s3->imaginary);
	s3->real=s1->real - s2->real;
	s3->imaginary=s1->imaginary - s2->imaginary;
	printf("Subtraction  of two complex numbers is (%d)-(%d)i\n",s3->real,s3->imaginary);



Enter the complex numbers of structure variable 1:
4 5
complex number of s1: (4)+(5)i
Enter the complex numbers of structure variable 2:
3 4
complex number of s2: (3)+(4)i
Addition of two complex numbers is (7)+(9)i
Subtraction  of two complex numbers is (1)-(1)i

The above, Program is to Add and Subtract two complex numbers using structure.
Here, we have used two user-defined functions, the first one is to take the values as input which is the Get_values function and the second one is to Calculate the operation.